Approximately 3 billion gamers worldwide play video games. As a result, the global gaming market is projected to reach $268 billion by 2025.
The global gaming industry is garnering more players, praise, and pay; it’s not hard to see why.
If you’re interested in knowing how big the gaming industry is and its demographics are changing, keep reading.
Editor’s Choice
Statistics on Gamer Demographics 2024
The presence of video games in our life is gradually increasing. And it’s not just the young adults. The craze has attracted people of all ages, gender, and all areas of life.
With an estimated 3.09 billion gamers worldwide, things may become complicated. Therefore we selectively sorted the data to bring you the most relevant insights into the current stats of gamers.
Gamer Age Statistics
The demographics of the gaming community are changing, with more people of all ages joining in. Changes in population structure have produced some unexpected findings.
The following statistics have been recorded. Keep reading if you’re curious.
1. 80% of gamers worldwide are 18 and above, with 2.47 billion adult gamers and 618 million under 18.
The gaming industry is expanding rapidly. In 2021, gamers are expected to make up more than 40% of the worldwide population. Asia is home to 1.48 billion gamers, making up most of the global population.
The increase is apparent when contrasted with the predicted global population of 3.1 billion in 2020.
2. The average age of video game players is 34 and below.
(GameSparks, VentureBeat)
The statistics on the ages of video gamers worldwide reveal a dynamic industry. Thanks to the sector’s expansion, people of all ages are getting into playing mobile gaming.
As a result, gamers are now between 18 and 35 years old.
3. In 2022, 70% of US adults play games on smartphones, while 52% are on consoles.
(Entertainment Software Association)
Because of the convenience and accessibility of mobile games, cell phones have surpassed computers as the most common gaming platform.
However, the second most popular gaming platform, used by 52% of gamers, is the game console, such as the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck.
4. 52% of adults use a gaming service.
Compared to PC gamers (66%), console players in tUS.S. are more likely to subscribe to a gaming service (around 74%).
If the trends continue, 2.29 billion gamers worldwide who own a console will have an online gaming or cloud subscription.
It’s safe to assume that 2.04 billion PC gamers will do the same.
5. The UAE has the highest adult gaming percentage at 90%.
Over 90% of UAE residents admitted to playing video games in 2022, with many being regular mobile gamers. The convenience of playing on the go makes smartphone gaming a rapidly growing industry.
Male and Female Gamer Statistics
One of the most dynamic components of demographics during the past decade has been gender. So it’s only a matter of time before women take a considerable part of the gaming industry in the future.
Below is the list of data and proof to relieve your doubts about gender demographics:
6. 80% of American men aged 18-34 favor shooter games.
(Entertainment Software Association)
In this demographic, men lean toward first-person shooters and women toward role-playing games.
The data demonstrates that this demographic is responsible for the over $2 billion in annual revenue generated by games like Call of Duty, Mario, and Pokemon titles.
7. In 2022, 48% of American gamers are female.
(Entertainment Software Association)
It was previously believed that there were disproportionately fewer men than women who played video games. However, the statistical data shows that the gap is a little.
Since 2008, the percentage of female gamers has been rising, beginning at around 40%. However, during the past decade, the rate of women who play video games has increased by 8%.
8. 41% of PlayStation 4 and 5 owners are women.
(Push Square, Sony)
Most women buy PS4 or PS5 mainly as a gift for their brothers, fathers, husbands, or boyfriends.
While it is true that most women purchase these consoles not for themselves, it is also according to the latest survey that a significant amount of women gamers buy these consoles for themselves.
9. Men make up 61% of console gamers.
While more women purchase video game consoles, men still have the most that show interest in them mainly because most consoles women buy are gifts to their father, son, brother, or boyfriend.
Because of this, only 39% of the console owners are women who bought the consoles for themselves.
10. 96% of boys and 76% of girls played games regularly in 2020.
(National Center for Biotechnology Information)
A 2020 Norwegian research surveyed young people between 9 and 18. The findings revealed that 96% of males and 76% of females claimed to be gamers.
Two years ago, the same proportion of boys were gamers, while just 63% of girls considered themselves gamers.
11. 10.9% of women and 11.9% of men reported playing more than 20 hours per week.
According to one survey, the average gamer spends 8.45 hours playing video games weekly. After a year of worldwide shutdowns due to COVID-19, the State of Online Gaming – 2021 poll inquired into people’s gaming habits in over 4,000 countries.
Over 3/4 of gamers value interacting with other players, and over half claim they’ve made friends through gaming.
12. 36% of South Korean men prefer playing RPGs, MMOs, and MMORPGs in 2022.
(Statista, Culture of Gaming, Playtoday)
RPG games and MMORPGs are the most popular type of games that most South Korean men play due to the intense gaming mechanics, immersion, and strategic gameplay challenges it offers.
Rakuten’s Insights survey made the figure possible—proving the rising commitment of Korean men gamers.
13. Female gamers comprise 38% of Asia’s total population.
(Asia Sports Tech, Niko Partners)
It was predicted that 494 million Asian women play video games. Here’s a breakdown of the nationalities of Female Asian gamers:
- 308 million Chinese,
- 100 million Southeast Asian,
- 54 million Indian,
- 18.4 million Japanese, and
- 13.6 million South Korean women played video games regularly.
The growth rate for female gamers was 14.8%, much more significant than for the population (7.8%). This explains why women now comprise a disproportionate share of the Asian esports community.
Final Words
These data on gamer demographics may surprise you if you have never read about the gender and age gaps in the video game industry.
It turns out that not only do older audiences enjoy playing video games, but so do women, who are underrepresented in the gaming community.
As new trends emerge, new games and gaming trends will undoubtedly be for people of all groups and ages.
FAQs on Gamer Demographics
What race are most gamers in?
Asians make up the most significant share of gamers worldwide. They have 1.48 billion users, making them the industry leader. However, the makeup of video game fans on various continents may vary.
What country has the most gamers?
China has the most gamers of any country, with over 742 million. Newzoo’s demographic data shows that the United States is second only to Japan regarding the total gaming population.
What is the average age of a gamer?
The average age of a gamer in 2021 is 35 years old. This outdated notion that only children play video games needs to be modified to account for the fact that many modern players have been doing so for decades.